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Submit your variants

Provide variants of one individual.

It is important to specify the gender of this individual, if known. ORVAL treats differently X-linked variants in males.

Submit variants either as a variant list or a VCF file.

ORVAL can analyse single nucleotide variants and small insertions/deletions.

Select the correct genome assembly (GRCh38/hg38 or GRCh37/hg19).

If you upload a VCF from a whole exome analysis, select a relevant gene panel of up to 300-400 genes.

You can filter your variant list/VCF file with a gene panel automatically in this page.

Click on the buttons for help.

You can further consult our Input Data, Data Filtering and Data Annotation documentation.

Patient information

Genome assembly

Insert a variant list


Upload a VCF file

Try it with examples:
Name Variant count Download
Example_VCF_1 (hg19) 24
Example_VCF_1 (hg38) 24
Example_VCF_2 (hg19) 1800
Example_VCF_2 (hg38) 1800

Variant filtering

It is highly recommended to filter your variants based on the following proposed filtering options. You can unselect an option by clicking on its corresponding check-box.

Gene filtering

Upload a gene panel file to restrict your analysis only to a selected subset of genes (max. 300-400) that can be present in your data.

Job information

If you wish to launch your analysis in the background and get an email once it is completed, you can provide your email address below.
Please also check your spam folder, as the email may end up there.

We do not store any email information in our server.

If you are using ORVAL for your analysis, see how to cite us here.